Fencing Products
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This Speedrite 6000i with remote can be used in 110V, battery or solar power applications, providing convenient, versatile livestock control.

Stafix Energizer - Powers up to 220 miles (2,500 acres) of fence 36 J maximum output energy 54 J stored energy)

We have energizers for every application, utilizing 110v, battery and solar power.

Our Solid Rod posts utilize cotter keys for securing electric cable. More information on Solid Rod fiberglass posts below.

A close look at our Solid Rod posts with cotter key installed. Download PDF below for information on Solid Rod fiberglass posts.

Strong, flexible and economical. Approximate diameter is 1"- 1.25".

View of back side of Solid Rod fiberglass post.

Aluminum electric fence wire in different gauges to fit the needs of your project.

Permanent and temporary electric fence cable.

High-tensile fence with a fixed knot. Holds the vertical stay wires securely in place. Vertical stay wires are continuous length for greater strength. Easy to install. The Class 3 galvanized coating can last up to 25 years. Available in a variety of spacing options, including narrow spaces close to the ground for smaller animals.

Ideal for protecting hay fields and hay yards from wildlife.

Galvanized Hi-Tensile Fence Wire

Galvanized Hi-Tensile Fence Wire

12.5 guage Barbed Wire from TOUGHSTRAND

12.5 guage Barbed Wire manufactured by TOUGHSTRAND

Use on existing or new wood post conventional fence. Extends the life of the fence and prevents livestock from escaping.

Easy installation, very rugged, allows free wire movement.

Mount offsets to the existing conventional fence wires. Install electric fence wire on pinlock insulators.

The wire offset attaches to the existing fence wire, holding the electrical wire 10"-12" from the existing wire.

Click below to see another wire diagram - Tying the ‘Figure-8’ Splice in High-Tensile Wire

Use the knot for tying end insulators and ground wires to wood posts.

Ideal portable fencing to protect sheep, goats and chickens from predators. Keeps bears, coyotes, fox, skunks & other predators out of beehives, gardens, hunting camps and small lots.

Especially useful around outbuildings, cabins and houses where grain and other food is stored that cause bears to want to gain entry. See it in action.

Poliwire is temporary, light weight and flexible. Used with an AN90 or AN20 is ideal for anywhere a temporary fence is needed, such as in the back country.

Cordless fencing stapler makes fencing faster, easier and safer. See or download STOCK-ade product information by clicking link below.

STOCKade staple gun makes your fencing job faster, safer, easier. Lightweight, cordless, powerful. See PDF

Staples for both the STOCKade ST400i and ST400 are the world's best power-driven barbed staple solutions. See PDF.

One-handed staple pulling, high-tensile wire cutting, fence-demolition and repairs. See PDF

View or download PDF information sheet. Click link below.

Electric Fence Energizers
6000i Unigizer™
Speedrite Electric fence energizers. Some, like the Speedrite 6000i, are remote control capable. Can be used with 110V AC adapter, also can be used with a 12V battery and or with solar panel applications, providing convenient versatile livestock control. Both the 6000i and 6000 will power up to 60 miles (240 acres) of fence!
Solid Rod Fiberglass Fence Posts
1" Range Bull Permanent Posts in various lengths.
1.25" Big Bull Permanent Posts in various lengths.
Rugged Solid Rod Fiberglass composition.
Fiberglass is almost indestructible and simple to use.
Easily driven with a steel post pounder or the new motorized pounders.
Used for permanent electric fence.
Allows for lower post cost and less maintenance.
Wire easily attaches to post with a cotter clip style wire pin.
Fast, easy, strong and durable.
Available in lengths to fit your fencing needs, holes are pre- or custom drilled.

Electric Fence Cable
Portable 7 X 7 electric fence cable
Available in 1320'
More conductive than poliwire
3.5 times as strong as poliwire
480 lb breaking strength